Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mar defends Korina

Mar defends Korina: I love her

MANILA, Philippines — Sen. Manuel “Mar” Roxas II Thursday took exception to a cartoon story in the Philippine Daily Inquirer which referred to his fiancée, ABS-CBN broadcaster Korina Sanchez, as the future “Mrs. Palengke.”

The story dealt with Sanchez’s criticisms of Roxas’ perceived detractors, including Inquirer columnist Conrado de Quiros.

In a text message, Roxas said: “Foul naman yata ang characterization kay Korina in today’s issue. I disagree with [the] unfair portrayal of Korina and [the] out of context interpretation of her words.”

“Korina is a loving, brave, intelligent, person. I love her and stand by her,” Roxas added.

The Inquirer story appeared the other day after Roxas pulled out from the presidential race, saying he was endorsing Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III as Liberal Party standard-bearer.

The story was accompanied by a cartoon of the Inquirer mascot Guyito saying in the bubble: “Palengkera pala ang GF ni Mr. Palengke (So the girlfriend of Mr. Palengke is a fish wife).”

Political ads have portrayed Roxas as “Mr. Palengke” for his forays in wet markets to check on prices of staples.

In the story, Sanchez criticized De Quiros for supposedly describing presidential aspirants (before Roxas’ withdrawal) as “hungry for power.”

Sanchez said the columnist owed Roxas an apology “for making sweeping statements like that.”

She also took a shot at Sen. Francisco “Kiko” Pangilinan, who had called on Roxas to give way to Aquino.

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